Cessna SKYMASTER 336 1964; Cessna SKYMASTER 337H; Cessna 310K; Cessna 337 Skymaster; Cessna 150 1968; Cessna 150 1969; Cessna 150 1974; Installation requires approximately 25 man hours; dimensions 29" 17.5" 9". Answer: The nominal range for an early Cessna 310 is 870 nautical miles, but this can be significantly expanded with additional fuel tank options. To improve low-speed handling and stall behavior, the company MicroAero offers vortex generators that are attached to the wings and vertical stabilizers. Confused? Distinguishing marks of these early models are multiple rear windows, a straight tail, and tuna tanks, so-called for their shape. General opinion of the IO-470 has always been good, and it seems the model has performed quite well in the 310. Cessna entered the light-twin market a clear overdog in late 1954. A T310R, for example, has a zero fuel weight of 5015 pounds. In fact, the current owner of the third and final 310 used in the show (a 1967 D model), Songbird III, wrote to tell us that its being fully restored. Put your ear down by the filler cap and open it. Parts availability has never been a problem. A proper check during the pre-buy is sufficient for prospective buyers to avoid surprises, while current owners should keep close attention during inspections and do preventive work whenever issues are found. Experienced 310 pilots say that minimizing aileron inputs is the only way to prevent the 310 from rocking around the pattern like a rowboat in high seas. It is a bigger jump from the complex single into the 310 than it is for, say, a pilot moving from a Bonanza to a Baron. Depending on the option fitted, this could expand the aircraft's capacity from 102 gallons up to 207 in total. Cessna Fuel Bladder replacement, 180/182 - Backcountry Pilot Used parts- We've parted out over 350 Cessna twins, from 303 thru 441. I've flown mine 4.5 hours but I have IO-470's. You'll hit bladder limits before airplane range limits. C-310s with lots of avionics and other options compound the loading exercise. top. With the stretched cabin of the 1963 310H, more baggage space was opened up. I fly the aircraft about 100 hours per year and total hourly expenses have been $178. Cessna 310 D | AirplanesUSA More than half of the reports target the main gear. The 1960 Model 310D had a useful load of 1750 lbs, compared to the 2153 lbs achievable in the 1978 Cessna 310R. Paul pointed out a major advantage of Eagle's STC'd fuel drains/test ports. Advertised as at least five years ahead of its competitors, the headline of the Flying magazine article about its introduction was Business Asked For It.. All overhauled or repaired helicopter floatation devices are returned to service with a current 8130 and a six-month warranty. [CDATA[ The aircraft was framed as a purpose-built tool for businessmen to grow and as a long-term alternative to the surplus conversions that had flooded the niche until then. Condition. All Listings filter applied; Delivery Options. A new bladder should provide good service for at least 20 years and much longer if you take steps to keep the top surface of the bladder cool. Payloads were a strong selling point of the Cessna 310, with a useful load of 2000 lbs or above depending on the model and fuel quantity. Although my remans started immediately, ran smoothly, and used very little oil (about 1 qt. That means the 310 flies like other Cessnas, with the caveats about its greater weight and speed taken into account. Approved repair for all makes and models of: Bladder type fuel cells One Year Warranty, Crash-resistant fuel cells One Year Warranty. Instead, locker fuel must be pumped to the corresponding main tank. This 310, with bladderless all-metal canted tanks, swept fin and short nose, is often said to be one of the most attractive light twins ever built. The main reason I went with Eagle fuel cells is because they are made from Nitrile that is happy with ethanol. Cessna part 1200065-2 $1,485.00 Choose Options sku: EA-1200065-1E Fuel Cell, LH Main Tank. This listing was posted on Nov 10, 2022. Cessna 310 pilots have instruments displaying fuel flow, quantity, and low-level light. This website contains many older reviews. Naturally, the turbocharged 310s are the quickest, showing 198 knots at 10,000 feet (on 74 percent and 31 gph) and 220 knots at 20,000 feet with the same settings. In 1964, the engine exhaust was changed to flow under the wing . This position is set for what Cessna believed to be the most common weight settings for normal operations, and thus most take-offs will be made with trim set slightly ahead or behind it but never too far from it. The fact that theres a lot of fuel hanging out on the wingtips tends to exacerbate the side loads on the gear, as well. By the 310I, cubic feet available certainly began to exceed the lifting and weight-and-balance capacity of the airplane. Cessna 182. Included with the new bladder was an installation kit that included all new clips, a roll of bay tapeapplied inside the tank bay prior to tank installation to cushion any wear pointscork gaskets and nipple clamps. This group offers advice and knowledge sharing across all parts of the ownership process, from finding the right Cessna 310 to buy to maintenance or flying tips. Owners of T310s who want engine upgrades can get them from RAM Aircraft. Cessna 310 pilots have instruments displaying fuel flow, quantity, and low-level light. The cockpit features an elevator trim indication with a mark noting the take-off setting, and for a good reason. Speed has always been a strong 310 selling point, for good reason. Cessna service manuals refer to BTC-39 cells by Goodyear and US-907, US-943 and US-932 bladders by U.S. Rubber. What started as a five-place twin became a six-placer with 1963s 310H. Many callers are desperate for 310 information, with questions about the exhaust, landing gear, engine models and fuel system. A year later, this family underwent a modification common to almost all Cessna piston-powered aircraft at the time: the blocky, straight-ended vertical stabilizer and rudder were swapped for the now-iconic swept version with the Cessna 310D. horsepower increased and so did demands for fuel. Each of the latter can accommodate two sets of golf clubs. Whether you are looking for maintenance and inspection tips, overhaul and replacement options, or researching the Last year my factory gold medallion remans were about 50 hours past TBO when the latest McCauley prop AD for this model left me with no realistic choice but to replace both props. Fuel capacity of 102 gallons Minimum octane fuel of 100 Average fuel burn of 28 gallons in an hour Takeout weight of 4,830 lbs Landing weight of 4,600 lbs The estimated standard weight of 3.125 lbs Estimated maximum load of 1,750 lbs Baggage capacity of 200 lbs The oil capacity of 12 quarts with each engine Cannot exceed the speed of 215 KIAS Call (219) 749-2520. This is primarily because of the exhaust thrust augmenter tubes positioning. At the other end of the airplane, the 310 nose grew, Pinocchio-like, through the decades, making a big leap with the 1975 R model. Windows were added and lengthened through the 310's gestation as well. Then I renewed the bay tape where necessary. Pilots report that real-world operations arent as good as these numbers would have you believe. Robertson Performance Systems (800 430-1585) provides a vortex generator kit which not only decreases the Vmc by 10 knots but it also increases the zero-fuel weight by 385 pounds and the gross takeoff weight by 185 pounds. HistoryThe 310 was introduced in 1954, a year after Pipers PA-23 Apache. Cessna didn't stop there. Their investigation suggest the seepage is from the top of the bladder. Cessna 310: Still the Sky King? After checking for the type of bladder in my airplane, I knew it wasnt a candidate for repair, but repair can be an affordable option for some leaking bladders. The 310 is a hefty airplane, particularly in its later variants. The mains also are the receptacle for the contents of the wing locker tanks. document.getElementById("CountryId").value = 1; We used a Hartwick bladder, but the customer service was somewhat lacking. Alternator Failure (Dual) Flight Instruments. Unlike many airplanes with long production runs, the 310 went through steady refinement over the years, with a slew of designation letters following the model number. But wait, theres more. Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association Find it free on the store. AOPAs Air Safety Foundation further subdivides accidents and incidents into pilot-caused and machine-caused accidents. For information about our privacy practices, please visit our website. It applies to the 310, 340 and all piston-powered 400 series Cessnas except those with trailing link main gear. The Model 310Q and its turbocharged version, the T310Q, redesigned the cabins rear to include a new window design. A recurring minor squawk is minor oil leakage from the rocker covers; a problem that has lessened since replacing the cork gaskets with silicone. Plenty of Model 310 units in the market have undergone a much-needed avionics rework over the years, but it is still possible to run into original spec aircraft, which means a somewhat steep price to bring them to modern standards. In order to provide you with the best online experience this website uses cookies. It is fairly long and spindly, and more delicate than that of some other airplanes. Flap deployment speeds were gradually raised, starting at 140 knots until the Model 310K increased it to 155, while the 310R could drop them at 160 knots. You can guess the rest. Might as well do both right away! Learn the Three Rs: When to refurbish, repair or replace your fuel bladder The speed vane housing the Hobbs meter on the bottom of the right wing is a small tab that is compressed by airflow, but due to its diminutive size and sleek profile, and many owners have accidentally snagged it into inoperability. Removing and replacing a bladder is not a difficult process. The aircraft is certified in the normal category, which means intentional spins and aerobatics are not permitted. An optional large baggage door was introduced on the 310P. In line with many 1950s Cessna products, the cockpits were not originally arranged in the now-classic basic-T configuration, which can be ergonomically challenging for pilots used to it. Annuals have averaged $1500-2000, which may seem low-but not unrealistic if you look for an airplane that has been flown and maintained in a consistent manner. The BTC-39 bladder cant be repaired and must be inspected every 100 hours for leakage in accordance with AD 78-05-06 until its removed from service. The airplane has a 28-volt, negative ground, direct current electrical system powered by an alternator on each engine and a 24-volt battery. At the time of our last look at the 310 in 1996, the FAA was considering a stiff update to the AD that thankfully did not come to pass. In the midst of all this, the cabin was enlarged, and the model became a six-seater with the 1963 310H. Maximum boost for a sea-level takeoff is a moderate 32 inches. HOME | ABOUT | REPAIR | WARRANTY | DOCUMENTS | REQUEST FOR QUOTE. Anything between that and maximum ramp weight has to be fuel. cessna 310 fuel bladders israeli hummus canned chickpeas An additional cabin window was introduced with the Model 310F. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. We can make life a lot easier for you if you own a Twin Cessna! The next significant change was in 1962, with the 310G. We stock parts for all Cessna Multi-engine airplanes: Copyright 2023 Preferred Airparts. While these prices are only listed ones and can be negotiated down, there are also aircraft that exceed the bracket considerably, but not without good reason. Newer model 310s benefited from a one-year warranty on the airframe, the avionics, and the engine. (The tuna tanks also had a fuel-pickup problem and an AD mandated a hefty increase in unusable fuel.) The most common mistakes are failure to conduct a prepurchase inspection or evaluation flight. This combination permits me to leave the power at 55% (my typical cruise setting) and still descend at 700 to 1000 fpm without exceeding 155 knots. Sturdy, low-hour airframes that had enjoyed their heyday during the Second World War and over the Korean peninsula had been struck from the military inventory, and many buyers were quick to snap them up on auctions for prices much below their valuation. The Barons cabin seating and additional door is a plus that I wish the 310 could match, but six passengers can ride in my 310 much more comfortably than in a Baron or a Seneca with club seating. Surprisingly, very few people know what zero-fuel weight is. Handling310s have a reputation for Dutch roll in the hands of new pilots, caused in part by high rotational inertia due to the extra weight of fuel at the wingtips. Click here to view the Cessna 310 features guide, Click here to view charts for Resale Values, Payload Compared and Prices Compared, Composite Structures: Limits and Advantages. As for those moving up through the Cessna line, a 210 pilot will most definitely notice the 310's heavier controls, higher wing loading, and greater approach and landing speeds. Long Range. Fuel Bladder Leaks: Why Repairs Make Sense - Aviation Consumer We also sat down with a warm stack of service difficulty reports and discovered that the 310's gear system is, quite literally, its Achilles' heel. Cessna Flyer Association - HiFuel Bladders - replace both at same time Wait until you have to manage the tanks. Trending price is based on prices over last 90 days. If the pulled up section is near the wing root the float part of the fuel level sensor will also be pulled up, and the fuel gauge readings will be wrong. The 310R was the final development of the airplane, and stayed in production until the line was closed down in 1981. As with most companies products, sourcing spare parts for the Cessna 310 is a relatively painless affair. Another scenario goes like thisPilot: Top off the mains, please. I am an ATP with about 1200 hours in light twins. Eagle Fuel Cells | Fuel Cells | Eagle River, WI Send questions and comments to . Maximum boost for a sea-level takeoff is a moderate 32 inches. For the budget-minded, an early 310 can be a (relatively) inexpensive entry to the world of twin engines. If you hear an inrush of air its a signal that the vent system is blocked.