Two of their coaches were kicked out of the tournament following a fight Monday. All managers and coaches must present proof of completing the online CDC Concussion Awareness Training. AL Dixie Youth Girls Softball: 1,000 coaches / 7,500 players USA Softball: 300 coaches / 2,250 players Football ARPA Agency Flag Football: 25 coaches / 150 players ARPA Allied Members Leagues: East, South and West Football Leagues: 500 coaches / 6,000 players Cheerleading ARPA Allied Member Leagues: 5,000 cheerleaders Basketball Note: An update will be provided no later than May 1, 2023. The size of this group is expected to be approximately 60-75 people at each tournament. Admission charge is $7 daily for ages 13 and older . Phil Campbell takes on Haleyville in the Dixie Youth District 11 10U baseball tournament held recently. District 8. District 6 Tournaments April 25, 2022 West District Tournaments-Troy June 16-till East District Tournaments-Wicksburg June 16-till Notice to all members will be sent by certified mail (return receipt requested) or email seven (7) days before the date of the meeting. Regular price $10 00 $10.00. The Coordinator(s) will work under the direction of the State Director, or his/her designee, and the Tournament Director. The following also applies. Two of their coaches were kicked out of the tournament following a fight Monday. The State Director, at the direction of the SBUC, shall recommend for appointment a qualified State Umpire in Chief (UIC) to assist the Administrator of the Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball Umpire Training Program (UTP). Each team is responsible for securing its lodging facilities. The Host shall provide special transportation for handicapped guests from the parking lots to the playing fields and back, including to and from restrooms, concessions, and souvenir operations. The broadcast rights of all Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball State Tournament games are the property of Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball. As Host Parents, they should meet the assigned team when the team arrives for tournament play and Host parents should be available to assist in any way needed. Patriotic and spiritual emphasis should be given to all activities during the week. The host should have a contingency plan in place should an additional set of runner-up trophies be needed. DBB OFFERING YOUTH BASEBALL FOR OVER 65 YEARS . The Host shall provide ample parking space near the park for the anticipated attendees at no additional charge to include VIP parking for the tournament workers, team managers, umpires, Dixie Youth Officials, and special guests. The system shall have the capability of playing music and an on the field microphone or a separate system shall be provided for these two (2) functions. Those recommended by the State Director must be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Members of the SBUC are the three (3) Alabama National Directors [Vann Saltz (Chairperson), Jack Fillingham, and Charlie Bell]. The State Director shall appoint a qualified person to serve as the Umpire Coordinator for the tournament(s). If the State Director uses his/her cell phone to conduct Alabama Dixie Youth Business, Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball will reimburse the State Director $50.00 per month (Not to exceed $600.00 per year) for the expense. All payments are contingent on State funds being available. The bidding league(s) must then submit a formal sealed bid to the State Director at the respective previous year's State Tournament during that Divisions Credentials Meetings. The host is responsible for supplying a DYB medallion for each player and coach participating in the tournaments. A minimum of two (2) umpires for each game in all divisions. Opening Ceremony of the Dixie Youth State Rookie Tournament The Assistant Tournament Director should be available for the entirety of the tournament. To streamline the process this packet will include information for all of the Rookie State Tournaments (AA, AAA & O-zone). Please select announcers that have clear pleasant voices. State tournament dates and locations for 2023 are being determined. The Host(s) shall provide a satisfactory P.A. An invocation will be given, and the National Anthem will be played at the beginning of each day's play. The host will provide individual and team trophies for the winner and runner-up of the A State Tournaments. In Lifestyles. Forgot account? All-State Tournaments will be played using standard DYB double elimination brackets. The $300.00 deposit will be applied to the winner's bid amount or returned to the leagues whose bid is not selected. The Host shall provide practice fields at acceptable facilities as well as pre-game warm-up areas adjacent to the playing fields for all teams. All-State Tournament Brackets will be submitted to the State Director for approval. After the interested leagues have been informed of the minimum requirements and approved by the Inspection Team, those leagues that are willing to meet the requirements must submit a Letter of Intent to Bid along with a check for $300.00 on or before June 6th of the year preceding the tournament. ARTICLE IX Conduct (A) Adults should be cautioned that Alabama State laws specify that flagrant or violent actions, including verbal harassment, of sports officials, can be punishable by jail or prison sentences. The Tournament Director, consulting with the chief umpire, will decide to continue or not play the game. Vacancies on the bracket will be filled by a draw of 2nd place teams from competing districts if necessary. Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball strongly recommends that any motorized vehicle operated in or for DYB purposes, be operated by persons with a current and valid driver license AND be age 21 or older. District 1; District 4; District5; District 6; Directory; District 6 Tournaments; District 5 Tournaments; 2022 State Tournaments; ALABAMA DIXIE SOFTBALL Content. APPENDIX F ALABAMA DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL Rookie Tournaments The following guidelines shall apply to these tournaments. During gameplay, Dixie Youth Baseball Rules allow only the twelve (12) players and three (3) coaches shown on the team roster to be present in the dugout for Division I and eleven (11) players and three (3) coaches on the team roster to be present in the dugout for Division II. It is strongly recommended that local leagues adopt this policy for all practices and regular season play. While AA (ages 7-8) and O-Zone (ages 11-12) district tournaments are wrapping up this week at Spanish . The announcing of the game and the accuracy of the scoreboard will be heard and viewed by more people than anything else associated with the tournament(s). The Ceremony should be limited to no more than 1 hours in length and may end with a Grand Finale of fireworks, lazar show, or other types of entertainment. The Tournament Director, or their designee, will approve the umpire crews assigned to all State Tournament Games. ARTICLE IV - The Secretary: The Secretary will record and maintain the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors. The Dixie Network | Dixie Youth Baseball & Dixie Boys Baseball 36345 phone:334 798 6111 Kent Calhoun, Assistant Director They were as follows: The late Ann Bradford of Minor Heights, George . (II) Information Packets The Host will prepare a State Tournament Information Packet for the Dixie Officials and the participating teams. Bylaws. The Inspection Team shall report to the State Director regarding this meeting with the potential bidder(s). An official in violation will be dismissed by an affirmative vote of the Board of Directors. Qualified Adult Press Box Director, announcers, scoreboard operators, scorekeepers, and P.A. By Bart Moss. The Host shall supply official DYB baseballs bearing the signature of the Commissioner. Resources. This letter should be accompanied by an endorsement letter from their District Director supporting the attempt to host the Rookie State Tournaments. Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball is a fun baseball program for pre-teen youth with an emphasis on fair play, honesty, sportsmanship, and. The Host League shall pay forty dollars ($40.00) per game per umpire for the A and AA divisions; fifty-five dollars ($55.00) per game per umpire for the AAA, O-Zone, and Majors. The State Representative(s) are classified as Advisory liaisons* that do not count toward meeting voting or quorum requirements. HISTORIC AND CURRENT WORLD SERIES RECORDS. 2023 Dixie Youth Baseball/Softball Registration Dates . The Manager from each team participating in the tournament is required to attend this meeting. AGES 13-19. APPENDIX E DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL, ALABAMA 0-ZONE STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHIES SPECIFICATIONS (Trophies to be furnished by Host League) O-Zone (12 & under) Quantity Description Sizes 240 Dixie Youth Medallions W/Red, White & Blue Neck Ribbons 2 Diameter 1 Sportsmanship Trophy (Team) 26 Height 1 Championship Trophy (Team) 24 Height 15 Championship Trophies or Plaques (Individual) 10 Height 1 (or 2) Runner Up Trophy (Team) 20 Height 15 (or 30) Runner Up Trophies or Plaques (Individual) 8 Height AWARD INSCRIPTIONS Front of Medallions-Dixie Youth Logo The rear of Medallions- (Host Choice of Engraving) -William Wade--SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD- Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball O-Zone State Tournament (Host City), Alabama July, (Year) -CHAMPIONS- Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball O-Zone State Tournament (Host City), Alabama July, (Year) *-Runner Up- Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball O-Zone State Tournament (Host City), Alabama July, (Year) NOTE 1: The above-listed size specifications will also apply for trophies awarded at the Alabama Rookie O-Zone State Tournament. In the initial paragraph of the appendix, it was stated that umpires must look professional and be professional. 10U District Champions 2019. The election and term shall be under the current edition of the Dixie Youth Baseball, Inc. July 1 - 3. Starting today, 10 different All-Star tournaments kick off around East Alabama. 2023 Dixie 15U Team Roster Form (PDF) 2023 Dixie 15U Roster (WORD- Electronic Format) 2023 Majors Team Roster Form (PDF) . The Host League(s) must have well-lighted fields. The host will provide brief welcome comments. Any excess funds accumulated by the UTP will be used to reduce future costs associated with administering the UTP. This facility will be used as a dressing area, meeting area, and as an area to rest between games. Marcus Wood, District 2 Director 708 Almaroad Place SW. Jacksonville, Alabama 36265 home : ( 256 452 9765 ) email: District Umpire Coordinator NEXT DISTRICT MEETING - The district UTP workshops will be completed before May 30th of each year. Tournament Forms - Dixie At a minimum, this information packet will include - a) Welcome letter from the host including contact information b) Vicinity map for the playing field(s) c) Tournament brackets d) Local hotel information; note - We will not use the room blocking process for this tournament. Any broadcast of the games via the internet, radio, or television must have the written consent of Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball. (Player Assisted/Handicapped) 16 & Under. The medallions and trophies shall display the Dixie Youth Logo and meet the quantity and size specifications as per the SPECIFICATION(s) that follow in Appendix B, C, D, and E for the AA, AAA, Majors, and O-Zone State Tournaments. The filling of any vacancies will be at the discretion of the State Director, or their designee. Regulation caps (furnished by the State Board) will be worn, and the bill of hats will face forward. system shall be available within five (5) minutes of an existing system failure. The balances of the bid(s) are/are due on the third day of the State Tournament(s) being hosted. The Host shall provide medical and security personnel at the fields throughout the games and shall have immediate access to nearby ambulance and hospital emergency services. It has been the general policy for Host to provide special hospitality foods and soft drinks for the Dixie Youth Officials, coaches, Umpires, and tournament workers during games. Dixie Youth will supply a State Statistician to handle specific duties in the press boxes for each State Tournament. The service should be planned primarily to address the needs of the age 7 to 12-year-old players in the tournament. A backup P.A. 6U South, AA, AAA, Majors, and/or O-zone, Rookie, D2, 46/65 Divisions will be that if the staff support, facilities, and support structure meet minimum requirements, tournament rights would be awarded to the highest dollar bid. The Host shall provide ample parking space near the park for the anticipated attendees at no additional charge to include VIP parking for the tournament workers, team managers, umpires, Dixie Youth Officials, and special guests. ARTICLE V Elections: The State Director shall be elected by the affiliated leagues within the State of Alabama. Play will begin on the evening of Day 1. District 2 Champions District 4 Champions District 5 Champions Winner 22 District 2 Runner-Up . Equipment checked will include bats, helmets, and catchers equipment. Qualified Adult Press Box Director, announcers, scoreboard operators, scorekeepers, and P.A. Subsequent days of play will be determined when the number of participating teams is determined for each tournament. By WVUA 23 Digital Reporter Drew Daws. Wes Skelton has been commissioner of Dixie Youth Baseball since 1995. The Host(s) shall provide and operate souvenir booths that offer an approved assortment of reasonably priced memorabilia (such as but not limited to, pins, caps, tee shirts, banners, and action photo shots) throughout the tournament. Credentials from the districts will be accepted at this meeting; however, the State Tournament Director(s), or his designate, will inspect insurance and medical releases for all participating teams. The first and third base umpires should go directly to the respective first and third dugouts, introduce themselves, and state that their purpose is to check equipment. shall be retained by the host. Upon entering the field, the home plate umpire shall go directly to the area behind the home plate. (N) A quorum for the transaction of business of any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors shall consist of a majority of the voting members of the Board; however, a majority of those present at any regular or special meeting shall have the power to adjourn the meeting to a future time. The Host must furnish plastic trophy ball containers for these special baseballs. No umpire shall officiate in any State Tournament game(s) if he/she has not attended this meeting. Youth League. If no bid is received by October 1st then the State Director is authorized to take any steps necessary to secure a host for the tournament. A representative of the State Director will need less than 10 minutes to recognize the Host Workers and a few special guests. PDF 2021 Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball Ozone State Tournament - Andulusia 2 coaches kicked out of Dixie Softball state tourney after fight - WSFA $41.15. The umpires will remain until their names are announced and then they will go directly to their positions. Al. Season registration typically begins in January (there are a limited number of spots available for each age group). Hundreds gathered at Bowers Park in Tuscaloosa Thursday for the opening ceremony of the Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball Division II tournament hosted by the Tuscaloosa County Park and Recreation Authority. There will be an invocation and a national anthem performed. Sections of this page. The Host shall provide special transportation for handicapped guests from the parking lots to the playing fields and back, including to and from restrooms, concessions, and souvenir operations. Dixie Youth Baseball World Series 2021. It happened during the Game 4 match-up between Opp and Montgomery American in the Alabama Dixie Softball state tournament being played at Underwood Recreational Park, a suburb of Florence in north Alabama. Shirts Color approved by State Director; button-front shirt or suitable golf type shirt with the Dixie Youth emblem displayed. The dugout openings may have gates. The State Director will appoint a qualified Umpire Coordinator for each state tournament. More Opinion. . A portion of the tournament bid will be used to help defray the expenses of the State Champions teams trip to the Dixie Youth World Series.