"Girls, remember what you learned. Only Rarity found the courage to say anything, but even she knew it would be feeble. "I will not leave anypony to fall victim to the same force that once held me, certainly not this night, nor any other. Unfortunately for Luna, she would be proven right as the group approached the throne room. "It's Spike. "Yeah. ", "Only the Royal Guard garrison ma'am. I will return, and when I do, Canterlot will BURN!". ", "We didn't listen to her when she tried to warn us" Added Fluttershy "So we knew we had to do something to help her. ", "I got called into a meetin' with Granny Smith and Big Mac. Applejack could only look at her with a face that bore a very clear expression of horror. Prepare the prisoners for their rehabilitation.". "Nervous?" ", "Yes ma'am. "My Changelings, the time is ripe. She glanced at the three commanders, before looking at General Skoula, whom she greeted with a nod. They had a job to do, and they would get it done. HOME; ABOUT US; PRODUCTS; CONTACT US; Home / Trends / a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction. ", Applejack cried silently. Just then, the conductor called out from the middle carriage. Together the unicorn and baby dragon faced the left side of the train, looking out the windows into the station as the train rolled to a stop, steam hissing from it's every orifices. Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow, AJ, clearly you are not worthy of the time of a pony like Twilight Sparkle, and by extension, you are not worthy of my time either. Cadance was taken by surprise at how quickly the plan went belly-up, but as a firm believer in Twilight, she knew the latter would still allow room for a second chance. This make the pink alicorn smile warmly. "How typical of your lot, Chrysalis" Chortled the lead Guard, Defiant Aegis. "I left Twilight, because I had no choice! by | Aug 21, 2022 | comfortable kitten heel wedding shoes | moreton bay council wedding venues | Aug 21, 2022 | comfortable kitten heel wedding shoes | moreton bay council wedding venues "Yes ma'am." A brief silence took hold as Celestia registered the news, before resuming her job. Perhaps she had been a bit too scathing in her criticism of her sister. "As you know, General, the Hive is situated inside the Equestrian Badlands, a place which is infamous among ponykind for being home to the bad apples of the Equestrian bunch. Everypony in the room stood to attention as Chrysalis stepped inside. No doubt the events from earlier were still taking a hefty toll on her mind. "The wedding's been called off", said Shining, trying to keep a straight face. SubStar "Equestria becomes defenseless." Added Shining, the proverbial dots joining together as he spoke. Before long, Applejack had managed to pull herself together. Baggy eyes filled with regret, a weary expression, plus her mane and tail weren't very well groomed. Alkaios! With that, Rarity had lost anything and everything she was going to say. The girls are sorry and they wish to apologise to Twilight personally!". The Princess of Love, accompanied by the other five Element Bearers were heading to Ponyville in order to mend relations with the lavender unicorn, leaving Canterlot vulnerable to attack. Believe me, I spent a lot of time with her when she was a filly, and she would never do something like that without good reason. The aura around the room and the three ponies inside it shattered to pieces like a sonic boom. As for the stallion himself, he and his officers were gathered in the castle's war room, where they were coordinating patrol routes, reconstruction efforts and new areas of temporary resettlement. As a teacher, Celestia was extremely disappointed in herself. "Y-yeah, sure." "CHARGE!" And as for you, you walked out on her too! The girls were leaving you..what could I have done? pleaded Shining in protest. "I'll talk to her first Rarity, let her know you all feel terrible for what you did and you want to apologize. Spike roared, pointing a finger at the Mane 5 as he did so. Without Twilight to lead them, the Elements of Harmony would become useless, and Equestria as a whole would lose its greatest means of defense. ", "I failed the Element of Laughter because I chose not to cheer you up." ", "Well, things happened, concerning a few ponies including mahself, Twilight and the other girls. With that, the war room returned to its usual activity. As you know, my job as the Princess of the Night is to watch over my subjects as they sleep, and ensure their dreams do not cause them distress or harm. The doors remained open, allowing Luna a clear glance at her sister, who was watching her as the two sisters drew closer. Why hath you summoned me before you? I think they have marinated long enough. Standing before Chrysalis was a tall and thick stone gate, which opened immediately to reveal an equally tall iron portcullis. I did it because I was left no choice. "Darnit" Rainbow grumbled in annoyance. "I am sure you do not need an explanation as to my sadness, Captain Armor. The spree of devastation seemed to fly by as the Changelings stormed the village, smashing into ponies homes before harvesting their love and setting the place on fire. As was customary with the rules of war, both parties would first try to talk each other out of it. Unfortunately, she still managed to surprise the pink alicorn. Had the circumstances been any different, I would've happily stayed with you, but..you know. ", "Just a few scars" Replied Chrysalis. Celestia has requested your presence in the wedding hall immediately.". Lieutenant Fang, you are hereby dismissed.". The Lunar Princess knocked on the door, Twilight Velvet wasting no time in answering. I have to be elsewhere, so I must make my stay here as brief as possible. If we are to regain our strength, we must feed. "Princess, we have brought your sister as you requested.". Her throne possessed the ability to channel the love from her prisoners into her body, giving her extra magic power and increased strength, a much needed boost considering the toll Cadance and Shining's spell took on her. "Proceed Commander." She was still very ticked off at the Mane 5, not just because they were invading her space, but also because she couldn't trust them to walk out on her again. Designed and coded by knighty & Xaquseg - 2011-2023, Privacy "Princess, it's getting late. "Last night, Big Mac heard y'all crying harder than a timberwolf who had both legs cut off.". ", "I understand." Unfortunately, it was too late. Just please try to bring her around. ", "I failed the Element of Generosity because I was not generous enough to show you that I still cared about you." It was also revealed at the wedding that the impostor had put Captain Armor under a mind-control spell, with Twilight watching every second of it. Said Shining, who stepped aside to allow Luna to comfort her distraught sister. Once the Princess is captured, you are to flee the village and return to the Hive. Asked Shroud, preparing his mind to take mental notes, regardless of length. Rarity, I'll meet you at Carousel Boutique.". A Canterlot Wedding: Aftermath Chapter 1: Prologue: Dreams - FanFiction The dreadful events of the rehearsal were still eating away at her heart, not least that of Shining or any of the other parties involved in the fiasco. With little hesitation, the yellow pegasus embraced Twilight in a hug, silencing any further sobbing. "Of course! It is the first half of a two-part season finale. Just please, do not chastise me. She had finally come to terms with her mistake. Now, I want the prisoners, all the prisoners, to be rehabilitated. Do y'all remember the day I left with Twilight to go to Canterlot for the wedding? The latter looked up at her, waterfalls flowing down from her eyes. a canterlot wedding twilight betrayed fanfiction "I cannot hold my tongue any longer. Rarity quipped cautiously. An army of beings known as Changelings stormed the city, injuring many of our citizens and Royal Guards, while also harvesting their love for their own ends. ", "However, for as long as you remain bitter toward those responsible for her emotional trauma, then you will remain susceptible to corruption. Cadance interjected. "Lieutenant, I must inform the Princess of the attack on the settlement. Said Applejack, admiring the sight. "Indeed we are Princess." "Twilight? There's still a chance for you to make up with Twilight. It did not take much to deduce that the trust a student held in her teacher now lay in tatters. "The poor mare must be a mess in there.". However, teams of my pegasi will dive bomb the Guards and engage them from behind, allowing our troops to move in and finish them off. From her perch on the wall next to the gravity lift, she was awaiting any intruders from the red team to cross the mound in the middle, as well as either up the river or across the mound to the left. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic What If? Now at the time, we didn't know that she was a fake, so we thought Twilight was being mean. "What do you mean your Majesty?" "And just how did all y'all betray Twilight?" Only time would tell. The wedding hall was one of those scenes at the present time: the picture of purest sadness. Before his eyes, it opened to reveal Twilight, who was packing her saddlebags. "It's as simple as that. "I knew it. "I understand you are both angry because of a recent incident involving your son and daughter, plus her friends and my sister. "Applejack, you should know it's too early for me to forgive you. ", "And I failed the Element of Honesty because when we wrote that friendship report, we were supposed to have learned an important lesson. Fluttershy returned to her cottage and carried on her duties to her animal friends but all the while, she thought about Twilight and how much she had been hurt behind her and the others' backs. ", "Of course we do!" "Oh my Celestia, my poor Twiley!" But in order to keep up appearances, she smiled warmly. Replied Velvet. How it got the seven key ponies ultimately responsible for Canterlot's safety to drop every responsibility they had to the safety of the city in order to spend their time preparing for something as trivial as a wedding. "I see somepony is eager!" "I'd love to. Criminals, thugs, dissidents and individuals who resent the treasured Equestrian values of friendship and harmony. August 21, 2022 . Total duration At the same time, more dive bomber teams will hit the enemy's archers, attacking them from behind before entering the castle. Having settled in, Chrysalis decided to pass on some fresh orders to her officers. Replied Skoula, having taken some time to analyse the proposal. The latter turned to Shining Armor next. "But Commander, what of the Element Bearers? "Proceed" Answered the Guard, who proceeded to open his door to the study. The Changelings bowed to greet their queen, before casting hard and menacing looks upon the line of prisoners that were marched inside. With that, the Mane 5 began to move out of the treehouse, one by hesitant one. ", "Understood Lieutenant. Pinkie Pie went back to Sugarcube Corner and her spirits were lifted by the Cakes and their children greeting her happily. As quickly as she could, the orange cowpony mounted her Stetson atop her head before flying downstairs. We pushed Twilight aside like she was nopony. Do you understand, Shining Armor Sparkle?" Celestia assured her she would be fine under her tutoring and she held that for years but the moment she and the others betrayed Twilight, she broke that promise. Barked Blade, who ran off to prepare the freshly replenished Changeling Army. I must speak with the both of you immediately.". While the latter would be pleased to see her again, the presence of the girls would equate to a presence entering her home that was never welcome from the day they had first met. Spike was standing atop the stairwell, his face clearly marked with suspicion. From the shock she felt when Shining disproved everything she thought she knew about Fake Cadance before stripping her of the role of Best Mare and even the privilege of being at the wedding, to the horror and abandonment she felt when all five of her friends, even Spike, walked out on her with their eyes closed and their faces morphed into indignant frowns, to the utter pain and heartbreak she felt when Celestia stabbed her with a verbal dagger. Yelled Rainbow, who proceeded to charge the shield at lightspeed. The Changeling Queen took her place at the top of the table, flanked by her loyal general. Spike's request was greeted with a smile, but Cadance wisely remembered Twilight might not be too pleased to see him.