Payson, UT 84651, 1630 South 5070 West, Suite 200 Note that records are chaotic as all models were numbered The inletted "Bull's Eye" in the stock began in 1921, the same year Marlin began putting serial numbers on . What is the age of a 22 caliber Glenfield Model 25 rifle serial 26522968 and where was it made? The location of the serial number varies with the age of the rifle. A two letter code was used to designate month and year of manufacture. For many years he hunts regularly. I have a Marlin .22 Original Golden 39A. 10/25/2022 I got the rifle in Sept. 2012 so the 2 probably means 2012. Learn more about firearms membership here. "On Marlin-branded Model 60 rifles, the first two digits of the serial number indicate the year of manufacture. Rifles made after 1904-1905 are marked "Special Smokeless Steel" on the left side of the barrel as is yours, through end of production in 1935. We are working on a solution. The whole sequence may show what number in the lot mine was built. The Marlin 336 is from North Haven, Connecticut, USA. I Have This Old Gun Marlin Model 93 Carbine . Very informative & helpful video. UK Distributer for BoreBuddy! Box 1871, Madison, NC 27025., Recommended Marlin 336 Dates of Manufacture - Savage 99 For example a Marlin model 39A with a serial number of N1255X would have been made in 1955. while a 1894 in 44 magnum with a serial number of 2510509X, would have equated to 1975. Model 53. THREE SERIAL NUMBER REQUESTS ARE ONLY: $25.00. Mannequins (See photo . Description. What year was it manufactured? Thank you very much! Below is the question I posted to some forums. Useful Links Hi everyone! The only thing the serial number tells Remlin owners is if the gun was made by "Marlin" or "Remington Marlin". Long Live the Lever Gun: Marlin Celebrates 150 Years Marlin Model 1892 Lever Action Rifle - NRA Museums: Reviews, Specialties Morristown, MN 55052, 9283 US HWY 220 Business N Firearms Records Office staff will review your order and e-mail an invoice via PayPal with 2 business days (Monday Friday). 1991 C. F. Martin & Co. begins using one set of serial numbers for guitars & mandolins. 11 months. 12/7/2022, Foreign Militaria (Other) The price was right, but more important, when I picked it up, the rifle just felt "right". Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Great info. The water table was stamped "L C SMITH DELUXE MODEL". 1 - 14 of 14 Posts. As of late 2013, a Marlin .22 RF rifle (XT-22 Mag) had a serial number prefix of MM reported and verified. I dont have any markings on my Marlin except JM and the New Haven Connecticut stamps. 1976 Serial numbers 259996-260020 were also used. Rifles that are chambered in .30-30 include the Marlin 336A and 336C model numbers. 3/1/2023, Collectors Ive got a old marlin 39a serial no. especially pages 628-631. They often accept payment through services like PayPal or various forms of cryptocurrency. Serial Number Lookup. No Photo Available. Features 20" octagonal barrel, with semi . If you do not see a confirmation message on the screen after clicking Submit Order, please scroll the form to make sure you have filled out all required fields then re-submit. The location of the serial number varies with the age of the rifle. Therefore, the code (two letters) on these gun barrels differs from our list and that of existing records. Winchester Learn LEVER ACTIONS. 1883-1906. I just wasn't sure that was correct because the rifle is in insanely good condition (practically new) if it's that old. Begin by identifying the serial codes first two digits (letters) as a minimum or a combination of each. TWO SERIAL NUMBER REQUESTS ARE ONLY: $18.00. For Marlin Rimfire Rifles [non-serialized]: Since you rifle does not have the HS prefix on the serial number it means it will not take the high speed .22 long rifle cartridges. Look for the serial number on the top tang behind the hammer. . I have a Marlin 30-30 Rifle Model No is 30AS and serial number is14078341 I would like to know what year it was made in The Marlin Fireworks Factory in Norh Haven, Conn, USA . You should check with the records office for the necessary information on your Marlin rifle. All Marlins manufactured from 1969 to 1990: By clicking ACCEPT ALL, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Our specialty is building the guitars you've designed in your head. Inspectors Welcome to the. | Re: How To Read Marlin Serial Numbers ^ That was one of the sites that I looked at when I was searching google. Now if the serial number starts with MR, we have to look at the left side of the barrel where it screws into the receiver. Since the MR serial numbers are computer generated, they do not coincide with a date of manufacture. Decoding my Marlin/Glenfield model 75 - Rimfire Central Firearm Forum Marlin model 101 bolt action t-handle cocker w/24k trigger and walnut stock EK on barrel puts it at May 67 . A one or two letter code was used to designate the year of manufacture. 26297. Check the back of the hammer for the serial number. MARLIN Manufacturing DATE CODE - LeeRoy's Ramblings of manufacture. Theres one surefire way to give your guitar the tone it deserves. Your preferred payment option, where credit cards are destroyed if the information doesnt match or is faulty. # START SER. After filling out the details, the next stage is mailing. For almost 75 years, Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. has been a model of corporate and community responsibility. Longarms (Including Models 1881, 1888, 1889, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895 No commercial manufacture from sometime in 1941/42 until 1945, due to WWII production & retooling. Marlin Model 39A Info/Value | The Firearms Forum From the sticky my model 75 must have been made in October 1969 judging from the two letter code JM stamped in a circle on the left side of the barrel. These MR serial numbers are digitally generated, thus not clashing with the date of manufacture. Serial numbers started at 56,801 and ended with production totaling of 2,038 shotguns. 2023 Buffalo Bill Center of the West. What about one made WITHOUT a serial number? Marlin Factory Records - Cody Firearms Records Office I have killed more Deer with this rifle than all my other guns that I have. How to determine date of mfg of marlin lever action rifle Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! I now have seven marlins to date. Check out this new site;, HUGE RESTOCK of BOREBUDDY PARTS. Re: Marlin 1897 Date of Manufacture. If your Marlin rifle has these two features, the Ruger/Marlin customer service department can help you. Contact Ruger/Marlin Customer Service by phone, mail or submit your question via our online web form. All Marlins manufactured from 1969 to 1990: The first two digits of the serial number designate the year of manufacture, either as the last two digits of the year (in 1969-71) or as a number code (1971 and later).. History number below. 1883: 4001 6700 1884: 6701 8850 1885: 8851 11300 1886: 11301 15000 1887: 15001 17800 1888: 17801 21500 1889: 21501 30000 These fraudulent websites often include "Marlin" or "Ruger" (sometimes misspelled) in their name, and these "retailers" claim to be fully stocked with Marlin product. ), Mauser U.S. Bayonet? Check the bottom part of the tang, or sight, under the level. MARLIN FIREARMS CO. All Models :: Gun Values by Gun Digest He has professional training in hunting. Please understand that the export of firearms always involves U.S. State Department or Commerce Department approval and licenses, which can take some time to obtain. Your 1894C. The History of the Marlin 1895M Rifle - 1895Gunner Smith, Ithaca, Savage, and A.H. Fox firearms using the original factory records held by the Center. . Comment below with your answer and any other additional information. Randleman, NC 27317, 5225 Wynn Road Tulsa, OK 74145, 17311 South East Stark 1971-71. | U.S. rsv1mos. Marlin factory letters are $75 for individuals who are not Firearms Members of the Center. We do not have the parts, equipment, or expertise required to service existing, pre-Ruger, Marlin firearms and we cannot honor any warranty offered by the Remington Outdoor Company. German Codes And Markings in a single serial number range, and numbers are often duplicated, All rights reserved. North haven Connecticut . Make them yourself! Marlin dates of manufacture are determined by the serial number. There's nothing more critical to our futureand everyone else'sthan developing forests with long-term sustainability. NIB: Exc: V.G. A forum community dedicated to Marlin firearm owners and enthusiasts. Serial Number Data - Thank you, and if you have any questions, please contact us at [emailprotected] or 307-578-4031. or as a number code (1971 and later).. Verona, NY 13478, 6841 East 41 Street Dealers Consider membership with the Buffalo Bill Center of the West with firearms benefits starting at $150 per year. DATES OF MANUFACTURE Sign up for the Ontario OUT of DOORS Newsletter. It does not store any personal data. You can utilize the table below to get the available data on these rifles. How to find the date that your Marlin rifle was manufactured based off of the serial number. | Marlin The model 39 (Not 39A/39M) was made from 1922-1938. There is a two-letter code where; the first letter represents the month, while the second letter refers to the year of manufacture. All Marlins (except lever action) manufactured from 1962-1968 If delivery method is not selected, you will be contacted for payment. Marlin Manufacture Dates - 801-923-3555. A two letter code was used to designate month and year of manufacture. Thank you in advance to anyone who will assist me on this Thanks! Codes & Markings M1917 Enfield Parts 113K. Mine is an mm date barrel says bh 9 cant find code help. Please don't be fooled. We hope you understand the constraints that limit our ability to service firearms made prior to our acquisition. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Please email Military History YEAR SER. Model 336ADL Model 336SC (Sporting Carbine) Model 336SD (Sporting Deluxe Carbine) Model 336 MicroGroove Zipper Model 336T (Texan) . So a gun with serial number 703778 was made in 1970. ABOUT | Marlin Firearms Records 2002 Mandolin production ends. MARLIN DATES OF MANUFACTURE Mar 29, 2004. Marlin 39A and 39M Presentation records are available for this special 90th Anniversary (1960) production run. Cart 0. 2023 Optics Bible - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP, Marlin Serial Number Lookup: Learn All About Factory Records, 223 vs 3006: What to Choose After In-Depth Comparison. (Info coming soon). I have all 3 operation plant version. She coauthored a statistics textbook published by Houghton-Mifflin. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Also, knowing the guns model number or having it with you is essential. Martin & Co. Inc. All Rights Reserved. |. Members receive some number of free serial number searches, may purchase additional searches, and enjoy large discounts on factory letters. Acquisition of Marlin models by Remington Arms plant resulted in using the serial number prefix MR. MRs manufacturing started in 2010 during the production and branding of 1989/1990 Remlin rifles. Just call Marlin customer support give them the serial number off the gun and theyll tell you what year the gun was built. Is there a sight for this or should I contact Marlin? Number combination: 24- 1976. It has a golden trigger with 7 digits SN which starts with 72. Marlin Serial Number Guide - Articles - FHuCK Outdoors A one or two letter code was used to designate the year of manufacture. For example my 1894C serial number starts with 21, so subtracting 21 from 2000 = 1979 . Marlin 1897 Date of Manufacture - Paco Kelly's Thank you for your understanding and support! my year of manufacture of my Model 70THANKS!! Marlin Years of Manufacture | Marlin Firearms Forum Marlin Manufacture Dates are shown in the table below: (Click to enlarge) Cookie. Society It has a small "JM" in an oval stamped on the right side of the barrel. International Please know that we are producing and shipping Marlin rifles every week as we continue to work hard to keep all our employees safe. Catalogs Use at own risk. Thank you, I had no idea the age of my 3030,, #21 1979. Model 39A. I have a 73XXXXXX. Marlins: Marlin or remington manufacture by serial number,, [COLOR=#8a0520] Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. acquired the assets of Marlin Firearms from Remington Outdoor Company in 2020 and began manufacturing Marlin-branded rifles in late 2021. No need to be fancy, just an overview. Note: you might not find customer details on these records, but other configuration info is available if a letter is present. Marlin dates of Manufacture info & 39A Stats 1952-75. Case colored receiver, no serial number prefix (1939) or "B" prefix (1940-1941). Marlin Model 336 and Models 39-A and 39-M manufactured from Although we work hard to have these sites taken down as we find them, identifying them all can be difficult and we have heard stories of our customers being duped out of their hard-earned money by these criminals. 1972-72. The cheapest place in the UK to buy Marlin Spares and Upgrades. Note: If you do not see a confirmation message on the screen after clicking "Submit Order" below, please scroll down and review the form to make sure you have filled out all required fields and then re-submit. The first two digits of the serial number designate the year of Las Vegas, NV 89118, 5378 State Route 31 Before you order, please check out the Marlin Available Serial Number List to see if records are available for your firearm. The stock is plain. And Military Records Our Marlin serial number lookup allows you to date your vintage rifle. Book Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Very thoughtful of you, thank you for this. If you do not see your PayPal invoice within 2 business days of order confirmation, contact the Records Office. Deluxe Model The Deluxe Model had no engraving or markings on the lock plates. Still dont know manufactured date? Marlin Firearms are manufactured by Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. is one of the nation's leading manufacturers of rugged, reliable firearms for the commercial sporting market. Anchorage, AK 99518, 7680 Barton Road If records are not available for your Marlin we will notify you and return your check. Marc--- Stormy Mountain Sports L.C. Likewise, a serial number starting with 17 would be a rifle manufactured in 1983. Our Marlin serial number lookup allows you to date your vintage rifle. Sign In My Account. Model 64. Collector Groups, Other Marlin is a popular gun manufacturer brand in the United States. The following article will review how to locate these unique serial numbers and use these special codes for your specific purposes. Ranfj said: I am considering purchasing a Marlin Glenfield Model 60. The first two digits of the serial number designate the year of There is not a retailer in the country that can guarantee you a time frame for delivery until their distributor ships them the firearm. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". And mayfield kentucky. 2/3/2023 The price was right, but more important, when I picked it up, the rifle just felt "right". It is outstanding, accurate and a pleasure to shoot and is in great condition. Inspectors 12/7/2022, Ammunition for Collectors Gr8 job many time went looking only to get confused even hot the bulls eye on this one.. Ive just checked my marlin 30/30 336 30as stamped jm it was made in 1996, My marlin 444ss serial number starts with 13 , Im having a hard time figuring out if I should buy it ,it is stamped north haven Connecticut please help I want to know if I have a pre Remington deal and I want to know what year it is, The 1894 serial number is incorrect. Markings Starting in 1968 Marlin used the first two digits of the serial number to indicate the year the gun was made. What about a model 75-20 limited edition Marlin 22 rifle?? . Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. | Mauser Marlin's official website is, and the only online stores we operate are and A two letter code was used to designate month and year of manufacture., Corrosive Primers change to Non-Corrosive- Dates, Edged Cowboy & Old Western History Additionally, these two letters were on the left side of the guns barrel. Ruger offers consumers almost 800 variations of more than 40 product lines, across both the Ruger and Marlin brands. Marlin Date Code from Serial Number | Lone Star State Firearms Youll find that most of these guns are lever action rimfire rifles and carbines, but records for the 1898 shotgun are still available. Find the full list of available Marlin models and serial number ranges here. Please be vigilant and report any websites you suspect to be fraudulent to us through our Customer Service department. All Marlins manufactured from 1969 to 1990: Excellent case colors 95-97% blue. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Tell me about my Marlin 444S - Any questions? Rifles that are chambered in .30-30 include the Marlin 336A and 336C model numbers. Fake Firearms This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. . I recently purchased a Glenfield model 30.