COTTONTAIL CREEK RABBITRY. What to expect when buying from a rabbit breeder. Rex Johnston City, Illinois American Chinchilla, Californian Great Pyrenees are not pets for inside a home.
D&B Rabbitry 3095503816, Darlene Price Contact us at; I have Lionhead rabbits, now. (618)445-1493, Michelle Wise Triple S Rabbitry 1 buck for $90View Detail, This is white and black with blue eyes 6 month bunny. Dekalb, Illinois He is well trained. Champagne d Argent, Jersey Woolie We have litters all year long and raise Holland Lops for pets and show and Champagne dArgents for pets, meat and show. JKs Flemish Giants If you are not planning to breed your rabbits, its always better practice to make sure your new rabbits will be sterilized at the appropriate age. 2172131522 Clyde Schlabach Arthur, Illinois Californians, New Zealand, French and English Lops Schlabach's Rabbitry Wanted to Buy Rabbits: Any size, Any color. Rather than buying from a pet store, its better practice to buy your new pet rabbit from a local animal shelter or rescue. Rabbits purchased from a reputable breeder, animal shelter or rescue are likely to be in good health, but you should still conduct a basic health check. Trained to go to washroom in its large cage which also comes free with rabbit. My prices vary depending on type and color.
Hanna City, Illinois Blue Silver Fox Rabbits for Sale Purebred. Search for all rabbits near Chicago, Illinois. Livestock face book page is The Mini Farm @buyfresheggs Great show quality New Zealand Reds breed by a small rabbitry. Mini Satin. The staff at these places are more likely to have more knowledge and insight about rabbit care than pet store staff. ..Florida whitesand black NZ for show and meat. English Angoras with pedigrees - 150. B&B Acres Small rabbit, white or gold Harlequin, Satin, Red New Zealand Salem Exotics (Rabbits & Rats) We raise only champagnes,we have 45 holes currently,10 brood does. We just started raising bunnies. Oswego, Illinois, Megan and Brett Seaman We are a small rabbitry- with only 25 holes. We started Lirot Lops with the goal of raising the best Hollands Lops we could, not just for breeding and show but also focusing on temperament so they make sweet and loveable pets. I am a small rabbitry but we strive for the best. Mini Lops, French Lops, Californians Rex, Standard Rex, New Zealands COFFEYS HARE HOUSE, Danielle Halcom Amigurumi Rabbitry Majestic Joy Rabbitry List Your Pets . We show in both 4-H and nationals/open. Our show rabbits and breeding stock will all come with a pedigree. Harlequins for dog food or fancy/pets, Lisa G, Clayton Obert Two rabbits are about medium age.
Find a Breeder - ARBA Along with cage, food, etc
Bement, Illinois 217 816 2319, Shawna Vencel (618)678-2836, Jim Matkovich $850 Merl.. 2 male rabbits about 2 years old, both are not neutered so should be kept away from denia.. White/Grey lop bunny for sale (almost 2 years old), large cage, large bag of hay, large b.. Hi, my kids and I love our lop-eared bunny but I am allergic to it and I need to find it .. Search filters. Our rabbits a fed pellets and have free access to hay. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. I am always trying to produce animals with better type and fur I do not breed for pets but do have them at times. Find local Illinois Rabbit Breeders using our rabbit breeders directory or add your illinois rabbitry to our list today. Please call for more information. Anyway; last year my grandson started 4-H and guess what; he started with RABBITS , and said, Grampa you need to get some rabbits again. Mini Lop, Lop Two female rabbits will get along but males are always more territorial. Dont be afraid to ask the breeder questions about their breeding practices. Lilac. I breed for quality, not quantity always looking to meet ARBA's standard of perfection. Rex, Mini rex Maroa, Illinois Male and Females of breeding age, as well as 4-16 week olds. The best place to start of course is Rabbit Breeders which has the largest directory in the United States.
Mini Rex E-Mail for litter information. New Zealand, White New Zealand & Californians Nanettes Lion Head Rabbitry To get your new rabbit set up complete with food, rabbit enclosure and necessary supplies you can expect to pay around $300 to $400 on top of your initial rabbit purchase. 46 Ads. Californians, Mini Rex, Dutch, Holland Lop, Angora Matkovich Family Rabbitry Chocolate Agouti English Angora Doe. (815)631-0995, Brad Holland Rabbits are socialized and handled daily. Bluffs, Illinois We live in Plano, IL, 60545 Send a text message to 6xx xx0 4xx8.View Detail, This holland lop is a 12 weeks old female. Flemish Giant If your rabbit is well socialized it wont mind when you pick it up and pet it, noting that most rabbits dont particularly like being held (unlike cats and dogs). (618)315-2585, Dave Zerrusen We have Rex rabbits for sale! We specialize in Giant Chinchillas but we do have Flemish giants and New Zealand cross rabbits, Giant Chins are from show wining blood lines 2172131522, Clyde Schlabach You can always look me up on my page on Facebook under Thumping Trails Rabbitry. Colors - More than 30 possible shades; Commonly fawn, chocolate, blue, white, gray, or agouti. I have everything needed to care for her including a hutch litter box cedar pellets food & hay available for purchase.Buy Now, Willing to negotiate, she comes with all the necessary things such as food, bedding, a water container. We raise and show our rabbits and always strive to produce the highest quality. Please call for pricing and to see whats available. French Lop, Dutch, German Angora Meissner Lop. (618)508-1800, Paula Church Please feel free to call us for any information or availability. We are a small family rabbitry that started in 2020. Lakewood, IL Stafford Pedigree Rabbits Tim Alison, Caleb, Sarah, Luke and Logan. Black 1yr old silver fox rare breed 2 . Oswego, Illinois we live in a charming small city in northern, il. Rabbits Decatur Double C Rabbitry I also let my Registrars License expired(not very good move). Good with other rabbit and small pets good with kids and sweet Particularly if you end up buying two pet rabbits. Hudds Rabbitry I periodically have Angoras for sale please email me with any questions Colors - More than 30 possible shades; Commonly fawn, chocolate, blue, white, gray, or agouti., Jennifer Bauer Dutch Fawn color. I showed for 3 years! English Angora Rabbits for Adoption Rabbits for Sale. All of our rabbits sold are gentle and would make great pets! Ashton, Illinois, Tom Throop Due to allergies, we have to find another home for him. I was also very fortunate to win B.O.B. Once they are desexed, this territorial fighting behavior is less likely, but still possible. A good quality rabbit breeder will be happy to offer you information and advice about rabbit care. She was relinquished to us because the previous owner is moving to another country. Bonded. We focus on raising up quality new zealand rabbits in chicago, illinois. Show, pet, breeder, and meat rabbits. We are members of ARBA, IRBA, INZRBSC,and AFNZRB. Please call to make an appointment to view our process and available stock! We belong to the ARBA,IRBA,ANDRC,HLRSC and KIAM Egyptian RBA club which i serve as the vice-president at present. Some basic rabbit facts to get you started. There are many reputable rabbit breeders across the United States. We raise cinnamon. Clayton, Illinois Rex colors that we focus on : Black,Blue, Chocolate, Harlequin, Lilac, Otter (black, Blue, Chocolate and Lilac), and Tri-color. Edwardsville, Illinois Showing and breeding show quality Lionhead rabbits in many colors! We are dedicated to the American Rabbit Breeders Standard of Perfection, good health, and happiness. Ive won many BIS, RIS, best and best opposite varieties at nationals. New Zealand, Californians Bauer Bunnies Yorkville , Illinois (217)720-9333, Cindy Bankes I raise only pedigreed Flemish Giants in the Blue, Light Gray, Black, and Steel Gray colors. D and B Acres Rabbitry We are a small rabbitry in Northern Illinois. Rabbits are social animals and they do well in pairs and if you feel confident to care for a pair of rabbits, consider adopting a pair if you feel confident in looking after two rabbits over their 12 year lifespan. Champagne d Argent, Mini Lop Adopt Layla a Grey/Silver Lionhead / Mixed (medium coat) rabbit in Sugar Grove. Cedar Lane Rabbitry Male goes by Chips and is mostly white and broken brown spots. Small family owned Rabbitry in Texico (north of Mt. Raising and showing rabbits for over 20 years. Polish, Thriantas, Holland Lops, Florida Whites, Mini Rex, & Havanas We raise quality Holland Lops and Lionheads. Female Lilac Holland Lop for Sale 4 months old ddenwood We brought home this beautiful Lilac Holland Lop at 10 weeks old from a local Rabbitry to.. Holland Lop, Illinois Downers Grove Township Premium $3,500 Ready to Go Lyonsheartpups Full AKC $ fully vaccinated paperwork in hand crate trained !.. Established lion head breeder since 2008. We usually have young rabbits available with or without pedigree. They get daily handling from myself Rabbits for Sale 68 Views $65 Details 1 - Mixed Breed Rabbit Find Cats. If you are litter training them, get a litter box and scoop. Country Lops Raising Mini Rex in several colors Black, Broken, Himi, Seal, Tortoise, Otter(Black), Red & Sable Point. please feel free to call or email me. Red Bud, IL On occasion we also have Blue, Black, Castor & Opal in Self and Broken varieties. Mini Rex, New Zealand Whites We are ARBA members and attend about one show a month due to work, school and sports schedules. Meadow View Farm, Vitali Devocelle 815-341-5997, Sam Matkovich Shawve Angoras It comes with cage, toys and food.View Detail, He does not like to get along with other rabbits. 1 buck for $90View Detail, This is white and black with blue eyes 6 month bunny. (217)617-5627, Rob and Melodie Gabel Animal Mini Rex is in development and will be happening in the Spring of 2016. If you give me call and I dont answer please leave a voice mail and Ill call you back. A small town farm turned rabbit crazy! When choosing a pair of rabbits, male-female pairings work well but remember to make sure they are sterilized after four to six months unless you want a rapidly expanding bunny family. Male rabbits are known as bucks and female rabbits are called does (as in a doe, a deer, a female deer). Feel free to call for more information. Multiple Specialty Show BISs -Himalayans. Hanna City, Illinois Chatham, Illinois Dont hesitate to ask for references or testimonials from other customers who have purchased rabbits from the breeder. WildRiver Rabbitry We have had rabbits a little over 5 years now.We raise only dwarf breeds as a hobby and show them as well. John can also be contacted at: 630-816-6803 I have had winners at previous fairs and I have litters year round.
Rabbits for Sale near me | Bunnies for Sale | Page 5 of 57 Very friendly and loves people. I am a member of KIAM & ARBA, a two year director in KIAM presently. Ritchie Dutch Rabbitry Peoria, Illinois They are in a controlled 70* environment year round. The orange bunnys name is Rinley and the grayish darker bunny is named Stella. Mini Rex, Dutch, New Zealand, Flemish giants, California, Mixed Breeds He loves pets and everything will be included such as food, hay, toys, cage.View Detail, She is a mom, she had 6 babies, as of today 9 months ago. A reputable breeder will never try to sell you rabbits in poor health as they not only love their rabbits but they value their reputation in the rabbit breeding community. Mendota, IL Rhinelander, Rhinelanders, Flemish Giants & custom livestock lines We raise California, New Zealand, Champagne, and Flemish giants. Flora, Illinois I am only using her to breed. The Bunny Garage So you can purchase a well bred or adopt a sweet bun in need of a home Either way its great. We have roughly 10-20 rabbits. We sell show quality pedigreed light gray Flemish Giants. Female.. Moving and cant take our bunny with us. Big lovable Rabbits! B & K Rabbitry Netherland Dwarf, Holland Lop If you want a specific breed ask for papers showing genetic records. Walsh, Illinois The American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) recognizes around 50 different breeds which gives aspiring new rabbit owners lots of choice when looking for that perfect pet rabbit to buy. Generally speaking, when you buy a rabbit from an animal shelter or a rescue you can expect to pay less than you would from a pet store or a breeder. You can also ask the breeder if their rabbits are litter trained but its not a deal breaker if they arent. Sandwich, Illinois They have pedigrees I have lots to choose from and some of my Dutch babies have won first place at fairs! All rabbits are tattooed, pedigreed and come with transition food. Me and my girlfriend want to make sure they have a nice home. Rabbits are housed in sanitary conditions Mason City, Illinois Red Bridge Rabbitry Ava, Illinois Tatum Rabbitry Grovers Rabbitry is kept nice and clean. 815-954-2113, Shannon Lilley Both bunnies and from time to time adult rabbits for sale. We were blessed with the very first, very rare Lemon and White Puggle, the equally rare Chocolate Tri Puggle, a nd originator of the even more rare, blue-eyed, Lilac (Blue) Puggle, with and without bi-coloured coats. Will be avaiable at 8 weeks. We raise very friendly rabbits that have been handled daily. We mainly raise Harlequin and Broken satin rabbits for pets but have one red NZ doe that we breed also. We are a Small scale farm that raises healthy happy rabbits for 4h and pets., Sue Mars Silver Fox rabbit Rabbits For Sale Near Me. I raise both Mini Rex and NZWs of show quality although I only show about once a year. Rossville, Illinois D&B Rabbitry I am a small rabbitry in so. I will be getting into a couple of other breeds, this year. New Zealands (Whites, Blacks and Reds)
Rabbits for Sale near me | Bunnies for Sale | Page 18 of 56 Big. Texas, Arkansas, Illinois, Tennessee, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Georgia . 2008- Home to the ARBA Convention and Group winner Himalayan Youth Staff working at shelters and rescues are generally passionate about animal care and their priorities are based on their love of animals rather than simply commercially driven pet store owners. Please login to manage saved searches ads. (217)871-6140, Bobby Akins