Room C-107 Virtual Office 718-482-5242 Hours: Please refer to the Campus Services Try to accept a package that features fewer loans and lower out-of-pocket costs. I was even more surprised when I saw the place was in a different part of the city than where I grew up. You will automatically be considered for the award if you meet this criteria and if you have completed the federal (FAFSA) and NYS (TAP) financial aid applications submit them now. Senior citizens (persons of 60 years of age and older) may enroll in undergraduate courses at LaGuardia Community College in a variety of ways. The application is simple to complete. Eligibility and award amounts are based on financial need and academic progress. Tuition refunds are computed according to the date a course is dropped.Students who drop courses from their record during the Change of Program period are entitled to a refund according to the following schedule. The repayment period varies and is dependent upon the repayment plan chosen. Any future awards will be based on the credit values of regular credit courses only. Be a United States citizen or eligible non-citizen, Study full time (at least 12 credits per semester) at an approved postsecondary institution in New York State, Have graduated from a U.S. high school, or have a GED, or have passed a federally-approved exam Ability-to-Benefit (ATB), Be matriculated in an approved program of study and be in good academic standing, Be charged at least $200 tuition per year, Not be in default on a student loan guaranteed by HESC and not be in default on any repayment of state awards, If dependent, have a NYS net income below $80,000, If independent, have a NYS net income below $10,000. They are also looking to expand their reach a little so they can provide financial aid to students who arent in school. Federal Financial Aid Programs Financial Aid We make every effort to help students finance their LaGuardia education. Costs based on the 2022-2023 academic year. Like a lot of organizations, they have a very specific mission. 29-10 Thomson Avenue Long Island City, NY 11101 USA. For more information about mandatory fees, please check the table above. All fees and tuition charges listed in the College catalog and in any registration material issued by the College are subject to change by action of the universitys Board of Trustees without prior notice. Scholarships | Financial Aid at LaGuardia College LaGuardia Community College in NYC Welcomes You. You may be eligible for financial aid, including grants, loans, scholarships and work-study employment opportunities. Please visit the Bursars Office in room C110 for assistance. If youve had a loss of income and need assistance to pay for food, rent, utilities, healthcare, or college expenses like tuition or textbooks, Emergency Financial Aid may be available to you. If students charge tuition and/or books and do not attend classes, they are still liable for the costs and will be billed accordingly. The goal here is to help educate the people who are working in the financial aid office, and to help them see the benefits of their work. Part-time students may be eligible for assistance from New York State. You must have a valid 2022-23 FAFSA on file. $25 per semester for monthly e-check payments, plus your 1st payment. LaGuardia Community College 31-10 Thomson Ave. Long Island City, NY 11101 1-718-482-7200 29-10 Thomson Avenue Long Island City, NY 11101 USA. The students appeal must include: a) the reasons why the student failed to make SAP and b) what has changed in his or her situation that will allow the student to demonstrate SAP at the next evaluation. Attending LaGuardia is an investment in your future, and you dont have to break the bank doing it. The amount of the applicants award is determined from the 2022-2023 Student Aid Report (SAR) by the Department of Education. Overdue fines, accumulated to the date reported, and replacement costs of the materials, plus a $5 processing charge. All other non-tuition refunds to which a student may be entitled will be processed in a timely manner. The schedule of award payments is available on the colleges website at (Disbursement Dates), and also in Student Financial Services (C107). Award Schedule: The amount of financial assistance and other support provided to CD participants is dependent on financial need as determined by the CUNY Office of Student Financial Assistance and/or the individual college CD programs, within State guidelines. Clickhere. In the event that more. Check out these tools to help you track your financial aid and manage your finances. For more information about mandatory fees, please check the table above. Between the 13th and 17th calendar days from the scheduled session start date. Senior citizens may also enroll on a space available, audit basis without tuition charge and without credit at LaGuardia Community College. Look through these packages carefully. If there is a question about eligibility for one of these programs, the student or prospective student should see a financial aid advisor. CUNY receives no part of the service fee. A registration date will be sent upon receipt and review of the application. The following regulations apply: Depending on the amount of the loan, the minimum monthly payment may be at least $50.00. Costs based on the 2022-2023 academic year. Get help paying for college and receive extra academic support at LaGuardia and beyond. Award Schedule: The awards range from $200.00 to $400.00 in 2014-2015. Parent is subject to a credit check by the U.S. Department of Education and may be required to complete the PLUS Counseling online at Changing from one section of a course to another section of the same course, The College cancels or withdraws a course, whether or not the student substitutes another course, The College changes the hours of the course or makes other substantive changes that provide the student with justification for a change, The College requests that the student transfer from one section to another section of the same course, or, The College cancels the registration of the student for academic, disciplinary or other reasons, Go to Finances and select Enroll/Manage Payment Plan. Need help applying for FAFSA? For example, if you decide to live at home, you can accept grants and work-study, but turn down the loans offered for room and board. I was surprised to have an opportunity to visit the Laguardia Financial Aid Office in my hometown of Denver, Colorado. LaGuardia Emergency Financial Aid. To make a request, please send a detailed email message explaining your need to LaGuardia Cares ( If a student receives less aid than the amount earned, he/she may be eligible for a late disbursement. Financial Assistance Academic Support Counseling Support $25 per semester for monthly credit or debit cards payments plus your 1st payment. -Once you accept an offer, contact other schools that have accepted you and let them know you won't be attending. No refund will be made for any course in which a student has been assigned a grade, regardless of whether the grade is passing or failing. -Notify your colleges financial aid office of any private scholarships or funding you will be receiving. If you spot a discrepancy when reviewing your 1098-T, please contact us immediately at 718-482-7226 or by email at They might be interested in you a little bit more than you cared about them. If payment is not made immediately, a $15 late payment fee will be assessed. Students should only complete one of the three applications listed below. The applicant must demonstrate financial need and must attend classes. Between the 7th and 12th calendar days from the scheduled session start date. It is important that you make every effort to settle your tuition bill by the due date to protect your semester registration. Baruch College. Nelnet will advise you of the service fee amount before you decide to use a credit or debit card to pay. LONG ISLAND CITY, NY (March 01, 2023) Clubs, athletics, and other extra-curricular activities offer LaGuardia Community College students many opportunities to explore career interests and develop leadership skills.Paul Williams, a Film and Television major from East Harlem, has been honing his skills as a filmmaker, film critic, and leader, through various campus activities including [] Check out these tools to help you track your financial aid and manage your finances. Ask LaGuardia - LaGuardia Community College WELCOME | TO GET STARTED, JUST ASK US A QUESTION. Non-instructional fees are non-refundable, except when courses are cancelled by the College, a students registration is cancelled by the College, or the studententers military, Peace Corps or VISTA service (Please refer to section on Military, Peace Corpsand VISTA Refunds). This option allows you to obtain a voucher from your employer or sponsor and present it prior to your payment due date. The Admissions Office encourages prospective students to attend an Information Session or one of the many admissions events scheduled throughout the year to learn more about LaGuardia Community College. *Federal Work-Study will have a separate disbursement calendar. Review our Transfer Timeline Bonus and Scholarship Guide (inUseful Documentssection)for more details. Nelnet representatives are not on campus, but if you need assistance enrolling in the payment plan the Bursar staff, in Room C-111, will be readily available to assist you or call Nelnet at 888-470-6014. Memorial Scholarships (for children, spouses and financial dependents of deceased firefighters, volunteer firefighters, police officers, peace officers and emergency medical service workers), Military Service Recognition Scholarship (MSRS), New York Lottery Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship, NYS Volunteer Recruitment Service Scholarship, Regents Professional Opportunity Scholarship, Veterans Tuition Award (veterans of Vietnam, the Persian Gulf and Afghanistan). The student is responsible for paying the interest on a Direct Unsubsidized student loan. Please email with questions and updates regarding third-party vouchers. Between the 13th and 17th calendar days from the scheduled session start date. You might be thinking, well, they arent interested in me. Well, they might not be interested in you, but they might be interested in you in a different way than you were interested in them. Rights and Responsibilities of Recipients: Satisfactory academic progress must be maintained, and all the requirements for the Pell Grant must be met. -Keep applying for scholarships. Neither a high school certificate nor an Individualized Education Program (IEP) diploma is acceptable. -If you are a member of an honor society (Alpha Beta Gamma, Psi Beta or Phi Theta Kappa), you should check for scholarships for these societies' members. The portion of aid the student is entitled to receive is based on a percentage obtained by comparing the total number of days in the semester to the number of days completed by the latest with- drawal. Voted 1 of the Top 3 large community colleges in the US in a national survey. In the Subject line, please include your full name and EMPLID. -Submit a deposit to your selected school to secure your place. Hei Lam (Hailey) Kwok - Financial Aid Coordinator - LinkedIn If those units are used in calculating your Title IV award for the semester, you will have 20.0 special value tuition units remaining in your account. Application fee is $70. Please email with questions and updates regarding third-party vouchers. -Fill and submit your FAFSA online. A few things to keep in mind before you enroll: The Foundation has scholarships ranging from $500 to $5,000 to help you pay for school. Student fees are paid each semester and are not refundable. The portion of aid the student is entitled to receive is based on a percentage obtained by comparing the total number of days in the semester to the number of days completed by the latest with- drawal. Within six calendar days from the scheduled session start date. -Take the SAT and/or ACT tests, and have your scores sent to the schools where you are applying. The following guidelines govern all applications for refunds for students withdrawing from the College for service in the military, Peace Corps or VISTA. This option may be worth considering if it is possible for you and your family. We are helping people take out loans for themselves, so they can be better and so they can be happy. LaGuardia Community College- Avoid Financial Aid Problems An appeal must be based upon mitigating circumstances resulting from events such as personal illness or injury, illness or death of a family member, loss of employment, or changes in the academic program. Application Procedures: Application is made through the CUNY Financial Aid Supplement form. The table reflects tuition only. Schools require transfer students to send their and their parents (and spouses, if applicable) W-2 forms, Federal income tax returns, and supplemental material (e.g. Instead of paying each semester's bill all at once, the Nelnet payment plan allows you to stretch payments over a period of months. For example, if you complete 20% of the semester, you have earned 20% of your Title IV aid. Application Procedures: The completed FAFSA application takes at least 72 hours to process (Once the application is processed an email will be sent to you). Students must attempt 24 credits during the academic year in order to earn the full Federal Pell award, or take qualifying remedial courses which equal 12 or more units. This timeline will help you piece together your financial aid package for your transfer school. -Expect to receive most, if not all, of your admission decisions by May 30. $3,500 combined Direct Subsidized and/or Direct Unsubsidized plus $6,000 additional Direct Unsubsidized for independent students who have earned less than 30 credits. Internationally-educated transfer students can submit their applications directly to the LaGuardia Admissions Office. You may also. Students must be registered as full-time students. We are not just going to be taking out loans for people who need us to pick out a dress or buy a car. Please note that the service fee is in addition to the tuition and fees payment and will appear as a separate charge on your cardholder statement. Bursar Office Staff - LaGuardia Community College Its quite a lot of things to do with the help of laguardia. Financial Literacy - LaGuardia Community College New York, United States. -If you are waiting for tax information, you can estimate income figures based on the previous year. In each semester, if they wish to receive an award, they must meet the following standards in the semester prior to the current payment: academic progress: successfully pass a specified number of credits and. Think of this as an investment. Keep your grades up! Tuition is the sum of monies per term or semester which is required to be paid or satisfied prior to the first day of classes in order for a student to be considered enrolled. Visiting/non-degree registration is on a space available basis each semester, and students are not eligible for financial aid. Employee reimbursement plans are not considered third party. Tuition is the sum of monies per term or semester which is required to be paid or satisfied prior to the first day of classes in order for a student to be considered enrolled. The applicant must: Be a United States citizen or eligible non-citizen. Rights and Responsibilities of Recipients: The student must continue to make satisfactory academic progress, and meet all the requirements for the Pell Grant. Room C-107 Virtual Office 718-482-5242 Hours: Please refer to the Campus Services Visit LaGuardia Cares for more information. Students who have an I-94, with the following endorsements, are no longer eligible for Federal Pell, Federal Work-Study, or FSEOG: a) Adjusted Applicant, b) 245, c) 245 Applicant, d) Applicant for Permanent Residence, e) Voluntary Departure, and f) Deferred Action. Any new received loans will have 6 month grace period. To make a request, please send a detailed email message explaining your need to LaGuardia Cares ( *Federal Work-Study will have a separate disbursement calendar. Please visit the Bursars Office in room C110 for assistance. students are eligible for FWS than there are funds available, preference is given to students who have greater financial need. Fill out your loan applications. We are committed to helping you and your family finance your education in a way that best suits your individual needs. An Admissions Counselor will help students examine their objectives, review requirements for programs of interest and discuss career opportunities. Phone: (718) 482-5270 Email: Why Should You Apply? Requirements to Apply* (Submit one of the following:), International secondary education credentials equivalent to a, U.S. high school diploma and English translation (if applicable). Failure to attend class, merely giving notice to the instructor or stopping payment on a check are not considered an official drop or withdrawal. LaGuardia Community College 31-10 Thomson Ave. Long Island City, NY 11101 1-718-482-7200 Beyond the 17th calendar day from the scheduled session start date. You will also need to complete a Loan Entrance Counseling and a Master Promissory Note (MPN) online at Rights and Responsibilities of each term Recipients: The student . Disclaimer: This website is in development. You can use a credit or debit card for single tuition and fees payments through CUNYfirst Self-Service. Students must complete the 2022-2023 FAFSA and TAP applications before completing the Excelsior Scholarship application online at Students are reminded that attendance is a requirement for receiving financial aid. Students who do not meet the criteria will be decertified for the following semester. College Discovery - LaGuardia Community College LaGuardia Merit Scholarships ($500) are available for new students with an 80+ high school average and returning students with a 2.5 GPA or higher. -Check on your applications and recommendation letters, and confirm that your test scores went to the right schools. CD program benefits will continue when you transfer to a senior college all the way up to the graduate level. $25 per semester for monthly credit or debit cards payments plus your 1st payment.